Below are brief descriptions of some of the key models we have developed in the group. Each includes a link to the GitHub repository where the models can be downloaded. The GitHub pages also include information about the associated publications for each model, the model derivations, and how to run the models. Some instructional videos are also included for the SCION model. Anybody is welcome to use and modify these models without our involvement, but we always welcome collaboration.
Our main modelling tool is the Spatial Continuous Integration (SCION) model. SCION is a mixed dimensional long-term Earth System Model that can be integrated over billions of years while representing important processes in 3D. This is acheived through a physical climate model emulator coupled to a machine learning approach, which speeds up the solution of the model physical climate by many orders of magnitude.
SCION has been used to investigate the processes that control Earth’s long term climate and surface chemistry, and the relationship between life and the Earth. It has been run for the deep past and deep future of the planet, and a recent funded project will extend the model to known and theoretical exoplanets.
The SCION github page contains the full model code (MATLAB), all required input and comparison files, and a guidebook with model run instructions, related publications, version history and complete derivaiton and equations. We are working on several updates and revisions to this model at the moment, and development branches are typically not stored in the public repository before peer review.
The following videos explain the basics of using the SCION code, running different types of experiment and making modifications.
SCION tutorial 1: introduction
SCION tutorial 2: running a sensitivity analysis
SCION tutorial 3: adding an input pulse
The Carbon-Oxygen-Phosphorus-Sulfur-Evolution (COPSE) model is a simple dimensionless Earth System model for geological timescales. The SCION model above was developed from COPSE and includes the same fluxes and reservoirs, but adds 3D climate and surface processes, so COPSE is now used less frequently for research work except in cases where climate emulation for SCION has not been performed. COPSE remains useful for very long period simulations where climate emulation is unavailable, or for teaching and outreach work.
The COPSE github page contains the full model code (MATLAB), and all required input and comparison files. It does not contain a complete model derivation but this can be found in several of the COPSE publications.
The Carbon-Mercury (CARMER) model is a multi-box ocean-atmosphere carbon cycle model that also includes a basic trreatment of the Hg cycle. As well as the lack of nutrient, sulfur and oxygen cycles, the model also lacks long-term crustal-surface transfer processes, so is not capible of running for more than ~107 years. However, for shorter timescale studies of the carbon cycle the multi-box ocean is an improvement over the single-box ocean in SCION and COPSE.
The CARMER github page contains the full model code (MATLAB), and all required input and comparison files. It does not contain a complete model derivation but this can be found in CARMER publications.