The Earth Evolution Modelling group is made up of staff and students at the University of Leeds, in Yorkshire, UK. We welcome applications to join our group for paid summer internships, PhD study or postdoctoral fellowships. See the join page for more information.

Professor Benjamin Mills // Professor of Earth System Evolution
Ben has led the group since it was founded in 2016. He introduced the SCION model – the first 3D Earth System Model to operate over planertary timescales.
Dr Khushboo Gurung // Research Fellow
Khushboo is a vegetation modeller who uses linked climate-biogeochemistry-ecology simulations to explore the coupled evolution of plants and the Earth.

Dr Zhen (Jane) Xu // Research Fellow
Jane is a palaeobotanist who reconstructs ancient plant biospheres, with a particular interest in plant extinction events, and biosphere response to environmental change.
Dr Stephen Hunter // Research Fellow
Steve is a physical climate modeller who is an expert in fully-coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models and their application to deep time.

Dr Frederick Bowyer // Research Fellow
Fred is a geochemist and stratigrapher who studies ancient global environmental changes and their relationship to increases in biospheric complexity.
Dr Lina Wang // Visiting Associate Professor
Lina is an expert on the Permian-Triassic mass extinction

Dr Yinggang Zhang // Visiting Research Fellow
Yinggang is a geochemist and biogeochemical modeller who is investigating major changes in Earth’s environment during the early evolution of animals.
Chiara Krewer // PhD student
Chiara’s PhD project focuses on changes to ocean redox and nutrient cycling during Cretaceous ocean anoxic events.

Yuxuan Wang // PhD student
Yuxuan’s PhD project is centered around anoxic events and isotope excursions in the Paleozoic.
Chong He // PhD student
Chong’s PhD project focuses on the mid Proterozoic, and how lower atmospheric oxygen levels may have impacted nutrient cycling and biosphere productivity.

Nicholas Hadjigavriel // PhD student
Nicholas’s PhD project aims to combine models for animal ecology and evolutionwith our current Earth Evolution modelling approaches to explore evolution of animal size over the Phanerozoic.
Jennifer Sides-Crump // PhD student
Jennifer’s PhD project will explore how habitable conditions may be able to arise on different rocky planets in the habitable zone of their stars.

Nix Cobb // PhD student
Nix’s PhD project will investigate the evolution of photosynthesis on Earth and how this has impacted the planet’s habitability over deep time.
Wenli Yang // Visiting PhD student
Wenli is working on the Phanerozoic nitrogen cycle and nitrogen isotope record at the time of the major expansion of terrestrial vegetation.

Li Ma // Visiting PhD student
Li is working on the Precambrian nitrogen cycle and the transition from anaerobic to aerobic nitrogen cycling during the Great Oxidation Event.
Guolin Xiong // Visiting PhD student
Guolin is working on continental weathering and the lithium isotope record during ancient hyperthermal events

Elena Jarvis // Masters by Research student
Elena’s project focuses on preservaiton of organic carbon and the oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere over deep time.
Will Amir // Masters by Research student
Will’s project explores the effect of asteroid impacts on the photosynthetic biosphere and the global carbon cycle over Earth history.